Judith Millar

Spiritual Practitioner

International Physical Medium, Healer

End-of-Life Support Guide

Empowerment Coach

Empowering & Inspirational Speaker

Approved by the Complementary Medical Association.

A little bit about myself and my journey

Why choose my services? My spiritual journey began in childhood, where I had a natural connection to the spirit world. Initially daunting due to a lack of ​guidance and understanding I continued to push this side of me aside until I became a parent myself. This is when I eventually embraced my abilities with the ​aid of my spirit guides help and guidance. Now, I am dedicated to assisting others on their spiritual journeys and supporting parents with spiritually gifted ​children, drawing on my vast knowledge and experience. My name is Judith, and I am an International Physical Medium, Healer, Spiritual Practitioner, End-of-life ​Support Guide, and Empowerment Coach. I recognize the crucial importance of spiritual practices and self-care in personal growth. I am eager to share my ​experiences, offering insights into my distinctive collaboration with my spirit team to assist others. I am thankful for the guidance of my spirit team in our ​extraordinary partnership, where I learned that both our spiritual path & life path do indeed work in tandem. I help loved ones in spirit perform physical ​phenomena by moving objects in clients' hands, delivering feathers from heaven, changing images within photos as clients hold them. Working two in one ​partnership with the spirit world, I work with my guides and clients' loved ones in spirit to facilitate physical interactions with the spirit world. I provide ​instruction on techniques for physical manifestations and convey sincere messages, allowing clients to witness these phenomena firsthand, thereby dispelling ​doubt and affirming the continuation of life beyond the physical world.

Having observed many mediums and psychics, none seem to work with spirit as I do; my methods are unique, and I am eager for you to witness and ​experience this yourself.

In collaboration with a team of spiritual surgeons, I perform spiritual surgeries and various methods and forms of healing. I enjoy writing & sharing articles on ​spirituality & topics on how we can take charge of our life, techniques we can use reinstating that self belief in ourselves once more, Conduct church services, ​and offer both in-person and online demonstrations, events, classes, courses & workshops. I was made an honorary member of the Society of ​Parapsychological Studies in Mexico 2022 where I help with different topics, I am very passionate about my own personal growth, I am aware that in order to ​help others I continue with my own studies and training which I feel is important and ongoing for us all I hold diplomas in Spiritual Life Coaching, Spiritual ​Counselling, Mindfulness Teaching, Grief & Bereavement counselling and End-of-Life Support Guide, as well as an advanced Life Coach qualification, all of ​which I incorporate into my practice to support individuals and groups.

As a spiritual physical medium, healer, and practitioner, I believe in the mutual evolution of the spirit world and ourselves.

Spiritual & Holistic Health

Healing is not solely a physical process but also a mental one. For healing to take place, it must originate in the mind before manifesting in the body, addressing the entire individual rather than just separate parts. Healing begins in the spiritual body and then progresses to the physical body, with both aspects working in tandem.

Hello, thank you for visiting my website. My name is Judith, and I ​reside on the island of Ireland. I am a Spiritual Physical ​Medium/Healer, Spiritual Practitioner, End-of-Life Support Guide, ​and Empowerment Coach. Additionally, I host the 'Prophetic News' ​podcast on YouTube. As we delve deeper into our spiritual selves, ​we are increasingly adopting holistic and alternative methods to ​facilitate our healing, enhance self-care, and equip ourselves with ​the tools necessary to foster a new mindset. By giving ourselves ​the chance to concentrate on our needs, we uncover abilities far ​beyond what our logical minds can conceive. Release the grip of ​others' opinions or self doubt, have faith in yourself and the ​remarkable strengths you possess. Allow me to assist in guiding ​you to realize your full potential. We each have a unique purpose in ​this world; let me support you with personalized care, leveraging ​my experience, training, and intuition.

Services Provided

Platform, Demonstrations, Events & Workshops.

Throughout the year, I participate in Public Demonstrations, Charity Events and Divine Services at Spiritualist Churches and Centers internationally, both in ​person and online. For many, these demonstrations and services are their initial contact with the spirit world.

This experience often validates and ignites a desire to seek a deeper understanding of life's meaning, both on earth and beyond. Increasingly, individuals ​are drawn to their spiritual journey, captivated by the continuous evolution of spiritual learning and the liberty to express their views and beliefs.

Attending Divine Services at Spiritualist Churches can open the gateway to the Philosophy of Spirituality, offering guidance for one's daily journey, as well ​as providing inspiration and a sense of community.

Private One-To-One Readings & Group Parties

I am available to book for private one to one readings, group parties & spiritual assessments as you to help others progress throughout their journey.

As a physical medium I help you directly physically interact with your loved ones who have passed over as well as receive their messages. It is the most ​beautiful experience with each reading bring much love, comfort, peace & healing. Knowing life truly does continue on after this life, it is vital to provide that ​validation our loved ones in the spirit world can indeed fully interact with us and never far away.

My passion is the communication and interacting with the spirit world, I do provide Angel Tarot & Oracle card Readings on request.

Spiritual Surgery & Healing

I am very humbled to work with a team of four spiritual surgeons, spiritual surgery is unique form of healing. Each clients needs is assessed by my surgical ​team before the process begins, after the initial assessment my team of surgeons will validate their findings and seek permission to work on the area needing ​healed. As spiritual surgery is performed, there is no pain felt and no physical cut, each clients needs are individual to them, what all clients do experience is ​relief straight away, an abundance of love and some warmth. Some clients might need more than one session, a full breakdown of what healing took place ​each session and any follow ups will always be discussed at the end of each session.

Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blockages. By clearing these energetic blocks, the body's ​natural ability to heal itself is stimulated.

Reiki, a Japanese tradition of energy healing, dates back to the early 20th century. The concept of the seven chakras, which are the energy transmission ​centers of the body, originated from ancient Hindu texts. Meridians, considered the energy superhighways of the body, informed the development of ​acupuncture by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.

Energy healing serves as a complementary modality and should not replace any Western medicine one might be receiving.

Please click the link below to enquire regarding prices and availability.

End-Of-Life Support Guide

An end-of-life support guide is a non-medical professional who offers emotional, spiritual, and practical support to individuals and their families during the dying ​process. Working with clients to determine their personal end-of-life care goals and preferences and assist in communicating these wishes to family members and ​healthcare providers. To guide individuals and families through the end-of-life journey with dignity, compassion, and peace of mind, providing, Emotional, Spiritual, and ​Practical Support.

Delivering emotional support to the dying and their relatives, offering empathy, companionship, and a sympathetic ear during tough times. They also provide spiritual ​support, aiding clients in exploring their beliefs and values.

Offering practical assistance with daily tasks, medication management, and care coordination, along with resources for financial and legal end-of-life concerns.

Helping those seeking spiritual guidance, facilitating exploration of death and dying thoughts, connect them with spiritual resources, and create spaces for reflection. ​Aiming to alleviate anxiety and stress for everyone involved, fostering a sense of tranquility and comfort.

Assisting in preparing for a serene and dignified departure by working with the dying individual to ensure their wishes are respected and fulfilled. Creating a calm and ​supportive environment for both the individual and their family during this profound life transition.

Spiritual Practioner

A spiritual practitioner is quite similar to a therapist, with the purpose of assisting on various levels through spiritual practices and self-care, nurturing growth in ​consciousness, and reconnecting individuals with their true essence. This dedication fosters a profound love within and radiates an energy that uplifts those nearby.

They approach their work with the belief that the client is inherently whole, concentrating on revealing this wholeness and the spiritual truths of the client's ​existence, thus eradicating limiting beliefs.

On an individual level, we gain strength from each other and the collective; one can always find comfort in the wisdom of a practitioner and the shared ​consciousness when support is needed. I am here for you and offer a heartfelt invitation.

A spiritual practitioner can also guide you to explore your spirituality more deeply, providing support as you become more conscious of your spiritual gifts, and ​demonstrating how to access your innate power, wisdom, and knowledge.

In comparison to the past, an increasing number of people are embracing their spirituality, seeking to cultivate their strengths and inner peace. Spirituality is no ​longer frowned upon as it once was; it has significantly changed and evolved. As we continue to learn about ourselves and the world around us, spirituality is ​expanding and enhancing our awareness of our potential, should we choose to engage with it.

Spiritual Name Blessing

Upon entering this world, we are christened and given names that carry significant sentimental value, celebrated by our parents and relatives. Across the ​globe, various countries uphold distinct traditions and celebrations to welcome children into life's journey. In addition to the traditional names bestowed by ​our parents, we each have a spiritual name.

This spiritual name connects us to our ancestry and our spiritual essence and the oneness with the Divine.

A spiritual name blessing is a unique ceremony that is bestowed through spirit, distinct from Christenings or Baptisms, and can be received at any age. It can ​be incorporated into your child's celebrations, or you may choose to receive your spiritual name as an adult if it holds significant meaning for you. The ​blessing can be conducted as a formal ceremony or a private service, tailored to your individual wishes.

Please click the link below to enquire regarding prices and availability.

Empowerment Coach

As an empowerment coach, I focus on helping clients in one-on-one, corporate, or group settings, I offer a step-by-step empathetic ​support system to assist clients recognize any self limiting beliefs or obstacles preventing them from achieving their goals. Life ​throws many challenges that impact us in ways we might not fully understand. My insight comes from my own experiences; I once ​felt trapped in an abusive marriage, I lost my confidence, which was a stark contrast to the carefree, confident person I once was. I ​had lost my sense of self, my confidence, and my belief in my ability to grow and pursue my dreams. I realized that I was the only one ​who could change my situation and happiness. I began my own personal journey after my divorce, to confront my inner barriers, ​those walls I had built, setting & acknowledging goals became essential. My experiences showed me I was not alone, many others ​faced similar struggles and lacked that support from a non-judgmental person they could build a connection of trust with, someone ​who understood firsthand. My past drove me to pursue professional training as an advanced life coach to help others, I didn't just ​transform my life; I also found my calling in helping others to change and empower theirs, to take control of their personal and ​professional lives, boost their confidence, and chase both immediate and long-term aspirations, leading them to achieve dreams ​they once thought were out of reach. I've found numerous ways to guide clients in identifying and overcoming their limiting beliefs ​and inner obstacles. I support and encourage clients to navigate through tough situations with a detailed, personalized support plan ​to help each client progress. By providing a safe space to discuss methods to motivate clients towards a positive mindset, which ​ultimately fosters positivity and confidence, helps them recognize their self-worth, and sometimes connects them with their spiritual ​side which I also obtained a diploma as a spiritual coach & counsellor, Greif & Bereavement Counsellor and a Mindfulness Teaching ​Diploma, by working together there is truly nothing we can’t acheive.

Please click the link below to enquire regarding prices and availability.

Clients Testimonials

Melanie Rayner

Judith is amazing spiritual person who is genuine and her evidence is amazing in many years no one has come close to what judith gave me. The energy i felt from judith on a video call was amazing her accurecy to contact my loved ones she gave me pure truth a lovely lady i highly recommend her for true contact for your spirit loved ones i was over whelmed with the accuracy of reading last night im so happy i met judith she shares love light and truth

Thank you judith xxx

Quotation Mark

Morgan Taggart

Wow wow wow is all I can say I had a 1-1 reading tonight with Judith and I honestly couldn’t recommend her more Judith has given me so much comfort and healing and I left feeling a lot better everything Judith told me was accurate from how I was feeling to my personal struggles and demons I was battling when I went in I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders but leaving I feel like that weight was lifted I also now understand the spiritual side of things a great deal more too Judith was warm, friendly and honestly an angel on earth Judith you don’t realize just how much you’ve helped me tonight and how much you’ve helped me heal from the reading to the physical to our chat after everything was incredible and I couldn’t recommend you more thank you so so much Judith… love and light always

Quotation Mark

Ashley Gray

I received some amazing Psychic surgery from Judith and her spirit team and 4 psychic surgeons which I wasn’t expecting. My neck and back feel so much better and I could feel them around me as they worked with such amount of heat like sitting in a hot tub that’s the best way to describe it but also feeling the love too from spirit. To receive the healing through Judith from spirit was a little bit overwhelming and I was so grateful and honored. I can’t recommend it enough xx

Quotation Mark

Elaine Watt

I can recommend Judith Millar, wow, I have just had a beautiful reading with her. she truly brought through evidence that life does continue and our loved ones in spirit are with us. Judith gave evidence that was only known to myself. I could feel the presence of a loved one also the touch of my loved on also, such a privilege.

Quotation Mark

Videos Series For Your Viewing

Prophetic News Podcast - All Episodes, YouTube - Aired Fortnightly

Spiritual Guidance Videos, Power Point Included For Parents

What’s coming up Notice Board

  • Prophetic News Biweekly - Hosts Judith Millar & Markus Fer Neutzer on the Judith Millar Youtube channel
  • Spiritual Name Blessing & Evening of Physical Mediumship on 16th Aug, 2024 from 7.30 - 9.30pm UK time, ​Tickets £20 can be purchased using the Enquire link below.
  • Sparkle of Light Spiritual Chat Show - Hosts Alice Trevorrow & Judith Millar Aired on Sparkle of Light & Judith ​Millar YouTube Channels weekly Tuesday nights 8-10pm UK time.

Social Media Links





Mobile: +44 7871 587938

Email: JudithMillar17@gmail.com

Co. Down , Northern Ireland
